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Procedure: Patient Education Forms | Botox


What is a Botox injection?

It is an injection of Botox (botulinum toxin) which is a toxin produced by bacteria, it causes paralyses of the muscle in which it is injected. It is used to treat different conditions including headaches, involuntary muscle contraction such as focal dystonia and muscle spasticity; it can also be used cosmetically for facial wrinkles.


What is the purpose of it?

Botox treatment works by blocking nerve impulses responsible for controlling muscles, thereby relaxing the treated area and preventing muscle contraction that can wrinkle the skin or induce spasm.  The distinct advantage of BOTOX therapy is its ability to treat a specific target area. Scientists speculate that BOTOX works by blocking a specific protein that carries the pain message to the brain.


How long does the injection take?

The actual injection only takes a few minutes, but plan to be in the office for one to two hours.  This allows for the patient's pre-op and recovery time as well.  The driver must remain in the building during the procedure.


What is actually injected?

The injection consists of the Botox mixture only.


Will the Botox injection hurt?

The procedure involves inserting a needle through the skin and tissue so there is some discomfort involved.  However, for some procedures Coastal Bend Pain Management does numb the skin and deeper tissues with a local anesthetic using a very thin needle just prior to the performance of the injection.


Will I be “Put Out” for this procedure?

No. This procedure is usually done with no anesthetic, but local anesthesia may be used for some types of procedures.


How is the injection performed?                                                                                                                  

The procedure is done with the patient lying on their stomach or back, depending on where the injection is being performed. The patient is monitored with a blood oxygen monitoring device. The area is cleaned with alcohol and then the injection is performed..


What should I expect after the injection?

Due to the local anesthetic injected during the procedure, patient might notice their pain may be gone or quite less. The patient may feel sore for two to three days and/or may have increased pain  due to the mechanical process of the needle insertion as well as the initial irritation from the Botox itself. The patient should start to notice pain relief within three to seven days.


What should I do after the procedure?

The patient should remain upright for 6 hours after the injection to prevent migration of the medication into other areas.  Avoid washing over the area, exposure to heat, and do not touch or message the area for 4-6 hours.


Can I go back to work the next day?

Yes, the patient should be able to return to work unless the procedure was complicated.


How long does the effect of the medication last?

Injections can take 2-3 days to begin to work and 7-10 to get the completed results.  The extent and duration of the pain relief may depend on the area injected.


How many injections do I have to have?

Unfortunately, the effects of treatment with BOTOX are temporary. Periodic re-treatment is necessary to maintain the therapeutic results.


Will the injections help me?

It is very difficult to predict if the injection will indeed help or not. Generally speaking, the patients with a recent onset of pain may respond better than the ones with a long standing history of pain.


What are the risks and side effects?

Generally speaking, this procedure is safe. However, with any procedure there are risks, side effects, and possibility of complications. The most common side effect is pain which is temporary. The other risks involve infection, bleeding, worsening of symptoms, etc. It is also possible for unintended effects, such as temporary paralysis of different muscle groups, allergic reaction, and bruising at the injection site.


Who should not have this injection?

If the patient is allergic to any of the medications to be injected, if they are on a blood thinning medication (ex: Coumadin, Plavix), if they have an infection going on, or if they are pregnant, suspect they may be pregnant, or breastfeeding the patient should not have the injection.

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